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Inkya Na Boku Ga Futago Ni Aisareru Wake

Inkya Na Boku Ga Futago Ni Aisareru Wake Manga

Alternative: 陰キャな僕が双子に愛される理由 ; Inkya na ga Futago Boku ni Aisareru Iyau
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Author(s): Mitsuya Bond
Genre: Romance, Erotica,
Status: Ongoing
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Inkya Na Boku Ga Futago Ni Aisareru Wake Content

Hikaru is a BL otaku who has a complex about the color of his eyes. He was childhood friends with popular twins Nagi and Arashi, up until middle school when they started ignoring him! Hikaru is hurt because he doesn’t understand why, but one day he gets pushed down by the twins?!

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